Monday, July 9, 2012

Christina G.

      In Professor Andrew Rojecki lecture on The Tea Party and the Politics of Insecurity he brings up many different topics about political communication, globalization issues and insecurity, media, and movements. I took interest in this video because I am one of those people who just simply do not care for politics. I don't follow it nor do I watch or read the news. I don't really know much about politics and like Professor Rojecki mentions in the lecture, trying to keep up with it will just cause anxiety and frustrate me. In our generation we have so many other things to occupy us like new and advance technology and nothing forces us to pay attention to news. We have so many channels on the television and radio to pick from that we avoid the news channels because they bore us and we have no interest in it. As we go about living our lives, we hear about the news from other people in their opinion and we don’t see it in any other way. We should all have our own individual opinion about what goes on in the world but even through news channels on the radio and television, we have to rely on what they say. There is a disconnection between the economy and politics that it becomes dysfunctional and we become insecure.
          At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Rojecki asks whether we think politics and finding a job have some kind of connection with each other. I most definitely believe that there is a connection between the two because we rely on the U.S to be able to provide jobs for us. Although at the time I do have a job and it wasn’t hard for me to find a good paying job, there are many people out there who have not been as lucky as me. And I know that one day when I have to find a real career job; I will probably struggle to find one. Because of globalization, most of our jobs have been taken overseas to other countries like China and India where it is cheaper to make things since they pay their workers very little money and make more profit out of the products they make and sell in the U.S. This has made other countries richer over the years and it is affecting us. 

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