Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

               I particularly enjoyed Professor Stoner’s lecture for two reasons. One being that Professor Stoner has previously been a professor of mine in a class I thoroughly enjoyed, and also because the topic she spoke about was very interesting and relatable. Stoner lectured on her ongoing study of the correlation between studying abroad and the use of new media. Stoner explained how use of new media influences a student’s time spent when studying abroad. 10 years ago, when you would study abroad you would not be able to communicate very well with friends and family from home as you could now. Now, we have many social media websites, applications, and communicative influences such as Skype and face time that make communicating overseas or even closer, a very easy thing to do. Stoner showed us a graph of something called the U-curve of emotions. This curve showed over time the emotions one would feel while away and far from anything their normally used too. These stages were honeymoon, culture shock, adjustment and mastery. Although relatable, I don’t agree completely with the “time” on the U-curve chart. Personally, I recently visited New York City for just 8 days, and can say that I felt all of these emotions on the U-curve in only 9 days instead of the full 24 months. When visiting New York, the first day or so I was so excited that being in a new place didn’t affect me much. After 3 days, all I felt was shock, and a little frustration when trying to find my way around and manage alone.  During the end of my trip I felt like I had improved and adjusted to New York and felt almost unlike a tourist. Without my phone for directions, my mom for comfort, and my computer for communication from home to my family and boyfriend, I think my experience would have been completely different, just as Stoner explained. It is completely understandable that when students go to other countries without this new media, that they will more exposed to their environment and be forced to make friends and find new ways to make you a stronger person. When you do have the media, it is easy to be separated from your surroundings and lessen your experience because of distractions and comfort from home.  As stoner quoted “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and I couldn’t agree more with that.

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