Monday, July 9, 2012

Peter D.

The lecture I chose to watch was Dr. Steve Jones’s lecture on the evolution of how information is and has been spread. I knew before this lecture that the internet has changed how everything was done before its creation, but I guess I have just not thought about how fast it has changed. There was a crazy graph explaining how news and messages come into our homes and you could barley ready it. Dr. Jones explained about his research project that is ongoing that is recording the use of internet in peoples’ lives. This shows me how much I am taking for granted I was not born about ten years earlier, for the fact that I most likely would not have internet. I knew it before from hearing all the stories from my parents and from class how things have changed but I think listening to the lecture and seeing the numbers really hit home, and it was only ten years ago. I was also unaware of the type of technology that UIC has on campus. It blew my mind that the computers of tomorrow are being developed on campus. With him talking about the avatars that are becoming possible it made me think of how it would work. He brought up a couple valid points that need to be worked out like the time differences in the world, but once again things are going to be changing. Every single type of communication will be changed; inter personal, inter cultural, interviewing, small-group, public, organizational, and mass communication will again all be changed. It will be crazy to have someone standing in front of me that is actually on the other side of the world. With the type of 3-D technology that was brought up, there is no saying what can be done. If there is someone away at war or on business they can still be there for the birth of their child. They can be home and also have a job in china or be giving lectures in different places at the same time. That covers all of the different types of communications. This will also affect people’s non-verbal codes. They might be more comfortable around people and change their proxemics and territoriality. The new technology will for sure change their hapics and olfactics. There will be no smell and there will also not be any touching so it will affect the non-verbal codes of the ones using the new technology. 


  1. All of this new technology will affect the natural ways humans communicate with each other more and more as it advances. Sooner or later we won't have to leave our houses at all to do anything. So much has changed from ten years ago I can't image how much more of an impact it will have ten years from now.

  2. I think it is sad to see the affect technology has on our society.I think it has made people lazy and often ignorant. We now communicate mostly via email or through text messaging. Many people don't feel the need to pick up a phone and say hello because they rely on easier means of communication.
